Mathematical Maths

Kia Ora and welcome to my math blog for this week. Today in week 4 term 1 we have been looking at fractions .The goals that we were looking at are combine and recombine different units of fractions to make one whole, Identify and make equivalent fractions, Recognise and use improper fractions to represent more than one whole, Record fractions on a number-line / Find and associate fractions with a unique point on a number line.

Recognise there are an infinite number of fractions between any two whole numbers or any two fractions on a number line, Divide a whole number into equal parts/into fractions, Compare and order fractions, Change fractions to equivalent fractions, Solve problems involving adding or subtracting fractions, Multiply a mixed number by a whole number, Multiply a fraction by a whole number / multiply a fraction by a fraction and lastly Divide a mixed number by a fraction / divide a fraction by a fraction.

In one of our workshops that we had on Monday it was talking about multiplying fractions, the fractions question we were looking at was 3/4 x 1/2 I worked with Sanne and for the very start of something new I struggled at it until our math teacher showed us how to make the fraction questions easier to multiply. So what the teacher firstly did was she drawed out a square to look like a chocolate bar and split it into a half downwards and then the next thing she did was split it into quarters side ways.

The reason why she split it both ways because other fraction that you have you have to make sure there include in the chocolate bar so if we look at the 1/2 you would have to make sure you have that included either way you could choose sideways or downwards and because you had added in the 1/2 you need to make sure you include the 3/4 as well. There is a little cheat code that can help you a lot if you are struggling quite bad at multiplying fractions, what you would do with the fractions in multiply the numerators and denominators separately by 1×3 = 4 as these are the numerators and now you would multiply the denominators 2×4 = 8 and this can work for any fractions.

After this session in our next independent time my teacher got me to make a poster about how you can multiply fractions for beginners here it is down below with a link included if you want to open it up. Is there anything I could work on and does this make sense?


2 thoughts on “Mathematical Maths

  1. What a fantastic description you have given Francesca, you have provided so much detail and a great explanation. I especially love your poster, it is a great visual for helping others to multiply fractions. Ka Pai!

  2. Hi Francesca,
    Your blog goes into so much description and detail which really helped my understand what you learn’t about.

    I know multiplying fractions can be hard but you make it look so easy which can help others understand how to do that.

    Yes it makes perfect sense.

    Your blog is outstanding! Well done.

    – Bronte

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