Tag: Reading

Rad Reading

Kia ora and welcome to my reading blog post for last week. Our goals for last week were

  • Make connections between texts and own life experiences, using more sophisticated texts.
  • identify some text events and features, and discuss what they make the reader think about.

The story that my group read about was don’t sit if you want to keep fit this story was about what happens if you sit more and what happens if you stand more the bad things that happen if you sit for to long is

  • Less blood and oxygen are pumped to your brain. Your thinking and learning slows down. It’s harder for you to concentrate
  • Hunched neck, shoulders, and back can restrict blood flow, and can cause you pain and injury.
  • Your heartbeat slows down, so less blood and oxygen are pumped around your body. Blood pressure and cholesterol rise, which can cause damage to arteries and increase your risk of strokes and heart disease.
  • Your muscles get less blood and oxygen, so they don’t work as well. The muscles also work less when sitting, so you become less flexible.
  • Your blood sugar rises. Your body doesn’t produce enough insulin to process the sugar, which can increase your risk of diabetes.
  • Your metabolism slows down, so your body breaks down fat slower. Your body produces fewer enzymes to break down fat.

And the good things that happen if you stand more than sitting

  • More blood and oxygen are pumped to your brain. Your thinking and learning improves, and you have better concentration, although some people can be more distracted.
  •  Your posture is improved, although standing can be more tiring, especially at first.
  • Your heart beats faster, pumping more blood and oxygen around your body.Your heart and arteries have to work harder, which can cause long-term problems. Standing increases your risk of varicose veins (veins that become thick and twisted), especially in your legs.
  • Your pancreas produces more insulin, which reduces the blood sugar level and reduces the risk of diabetes.
  • Your muscles are more toned. However, it can be tiring for your legs and feet and can lead to problems with the muscles in your lower back, legs, and feet.
  • You feel more energetic.
  •  Your body breaks down more fat than when you’re sitting.

We had to fill out a doc with the hours throughout the day with how much sitting and exercising we do. For our reading create we have to answer some question on a google drawing and and 3 recommendations that you could do instead of sitting here they are down below.

What could you do instead of sitting in a day?


Rad Reading

Hello and welcome to my reading blog for this week, This week in reading my group have been looking at the text Emotional Robots by Aimie Cronin and are they the future or not. The goals that we were focusing on were Identify some text events and features, and discuss what they make the reader think about. The Activate prior knowledge questions were What sorts of robots have we heard of before? How are robots helping us? Do you think they will be important for the future or may they harm us?Have you heard of artificial intelligence? I enjoyed learning about Robots that look like humans but they actually aren’t.

One thing that I learnt was that the emotional robots look like real life humans but they are not able to move their hands like us humans would be able to do. One of the things that I found interesting was that you are only able to talk to them if you turn your computer on. After that we had to go on a doc and write the main text features in the text. The question that we also looked at during reading where Do you think that machines/robots can think?What is ethically wrong with this?How would you feel if lots of human jobs are taken over, would this affect your life? 

The reading create for this week was to create a DLO with 3 points of why you think robots are the future or not. I thought that They aren’t the way of the future because some humans don’t have jobs but the robots do which will make it harder for us humans to find jobs that are available. My Create is down below and Do you think the are the way of the future or not?






Rebel Reading

Kia Ora and welcome to my reading blog for this week. This week for reading we have been reading a journal called Sea Devil. My goal that we were focusing on was. Make predictions about the text and look for clues to confirm predictions This goal was to help with Makes you actively think ahead and ask questions. Gain a deeper understanding of the story Make connections to what you are reading and Helps improve reading comprehension. I really enjoyed doing this goal for reading because I sometimes get confused with the questions I get asked but now I understand them a lot more.

One of the things that I have learnt in reading are that the traffic light stands for Red: Prediction before reading Orange: Predictions during the text and Conforming of the predictions to see If I got them right. Most of my predictions were close but they weren’t all right. The thing that I found interesting was in the story of the sea devil the soldier that was standing next to the boy at the start had tried to escape which he got away but he also sank 14 ships and 11 people. The create for this week was to copy a template and write the prediction under each traffic light Here they are down below.

What was your reading goal for this week?


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