Category: Hanga | Create

Super Sumner Beach Trip

Kia Ora and welcome to my blog post for this week. Today in week 8 term 2 we have been doing school trips to do with habitats, The trip our hub was doing was going to Sumner beach, Travis wetlands and the Groynes. The trip that I was on was Sumner beach and we went on Tuesday last week the other two groups went this week which was on Monday it was the Travis wetland group and on Tuesday it was the Groynes group. For each of these different group days we would have to wear our school sport gear to school which I wore last week, the time my trip left from school was at 8:50 because to get to Sumner beach it can take up to 30 minutes.

On the bus I sat with Shyanne, Tianah, Freya and Calystah as I didn’t have any of my closet friends on my trip but I enjoyed hanging out with different people, when we got to Sumner beach we had to go sit in front of the surf club under a shade as it was also raining when we went. The leader of my group was Chris and he was from the Christchurch City Council what we firstly did was we sat in our group and talked about the beach and he asked us different question about how the sand dunes were formed and so on, then after that we went down onto the beach and he asked us more questions and showed us many things like the different breeds of seagulls and what plant were native and not native to NZ.

Our first activity was to build a sand dune which would have to be wide and at least a metre in length and we had to be in groups so I hanged out with the same people I mentioned before I really enjoyed building the sand dune and later on in the session we got stuff to add on it like a netting and wood walkways to add on them. We also got to have a morning tea break which lasted 10 minutes which me and my friends eat food and went for a play around on the beach, then after all this we went back and sat in front of the surf club and answered more questions then we went back onto the bus to come back to school. What do you know about habitats?




Religious RE

Kia Ora and welcome to my blog post for this week. Today in week 8 term 2 Re we have been looking at our faith in God and how it gets stronger. For gospel this week which we do every Monday we were looking at the gospel chapter Mark 4:30-34 this was the gospel we were listening to Jesus said: “What is God’s Kingdom like? What story can I use to explain it? It is like what happens when a mustard seed is planted in the ground. It is the smallest seed in all the world. But once it is planted, it grows larger than any garden plant. It even puts out branches that are big enough for birds to rest in its shade.” Jesus used many other stories when he spoke to people, and he taught them as much as they could understand. But when he was alone with his disciples, he explained everything to them.

After that we watched a video by Father Allister that explains the gospel a bit more but in a simpler way and we had to talk to others in a group and think what the gospel was talking about and what you think the message is in the gospel and my group were saying that when a mustard seed is planted in the ground it is the smallest seed in all the world but once it was planted it grows larger. So it mostly talks about our faith and how it gets stronger with God and what we next had to do was talk with others and see what we do makes our faith stronger with God.

My group came up with many ideas like helping others,going to church,praying,sharing things with others and spreading the gospel. The create we had to do was to either use google drawing or paper and draw how a mustard seed grows and what you do to make it grow like you need water and sun. I choose to do paper to draw them here it is down below. What have you learnt?



Religious RE

Kia Ora and welcome to my blog post for this week. Today in week 7 term 2 Re we have been looking at Laudato si, The goals we were looking at were Grow in understanding of how God’s love is present in our world and in us on our spiritual journey, Explore how God can be present in the beauty and complexity of Creation, God created the world and entrusted it to us as a gift. Now we have the responsibility to care for and protect it and all people, who are part of creation. Protecting human dignity is strongly linked to care for creation and Recognise that we can experience the presence of God in unexpected places, people and things and reflect on this in our own lives.

What is Laudato si you may ask? Laudato Si’ is a letter written by Pope Francis, the leader of the Catholic Church. In this letter, he talks about how important it is for everyone to take care of our planet, Earth, which he calls “our common home. He wants us to know that Earth is like our home, and we all need to look after it. Just like we keep our homes clean and safe, we need to do the same for our planet and that Everything is Connected: Everything in nature is connected. Plants, animals, people, water, and air all work together to keep our planet healthy. 

What we firstly had to do was in groups discuss what we think Laudato si is and what we already know about it and after that we watched a video that explains it all for us in a good way. We also had to think about what encyclical means and after us thinking we found out that An encyclical is a formal letter or teaching document issued by the Pope to the bishops of the Roman Catholic Church. It typically addresses important issues of doctrine, morals, or social justice and provides guidance and instruction for the Church and its members. Laudato si is like climate change and it talks about our earth.

The Laudato si is an example because the Laudato Si is a letter from Pope Francis to everyone on the planet urging all of us to protect the earth; our common home. The earth is God’s gift to us, full of beauty and wonder, where the fruits of the earth belong to everyone, We also had to watch another video that talks about how are Earth is getting destroyed because of our human actions which can include not taking our share of things, wasting water, thinking that our earth has unlimited items, and burning bad fossil fuels like coal oil and gas. 

The create options we got to choose from was to make a wordsearch and add at least 15 words that go with laudato si, make a Google drawing which tells us humans ways to help with the planet and to use google drawing and redesign our school and add in healthy ways to help our earth.

What do you know about Laudato si?

Here are my creations below –>



Mathematical Maths

Kia Ora and welcome to my blog post for this week. Today in week 6 term 2 we have been looking at Statistics the past few weeks of the term we were focusing on fractions as you may be able to see in my past blogs and every 5 weeks of the school term we change the topic. Our goals that we are doing are complete a statistical investigation by collecting, displaying and discussing data, determine appropriate variables and data collection methods, choose an appropriate data display, analyse a data sample, collect and display time- series data and evaluate findings and form conclusions. 

On the very first workshop of the week which was Wednesday we had gotten a new math teacher which was different to what we had in the past 5 weeks. The task was Ainsley thinks that most 12-year-olds have their own cell phone and use Snapchat and Facebook. Can you make predictions about the age of students with cell phones and using Snapchat and Facebook? Use the data cards to investigate and sort these into sets, Use a table of data to show your results, Now use a graph to record your results to present to the class, Can you represent this in different ways? What statements can you make cell phone use and Snapchat and Facebook for students of different ages?

We had to do this task in buddies and I choose to work with Lauren, Pippa and Freya and what we firstly had to do was we had to look at some cards which would include stuff like Snapchat, Facebook, Age, Phones,How much they read for and how much they watched tv for. We had to look at all the information on them and fill it out in a tally graph and then put it on a graph. This task lead into Thursday which was our independent day and when had to use the cards and choose a age group to look at and I choose to look at 13 year olds and how many have a phone and who doesn’t. I then found out that 8 13 year olds have a phone and 1 13 year old doesn’t I then used a spreadsheet on my chromebook and added all the information on it.

I made a Collum Graph and but this data on a graph here it is down below and what do you know about statistics?

Rebel Reading

Kia Ora and welcome to my reading blog post for this week. The reading we have been focusing on for the last three weeks are habitats and the goals were Make connections between other texts and general knowledge to expand meaning and pose questions, using more sophisticated texts, think while reading, pick up new information, and come up with new ideas and thinking, use ground rules to have a group discussion and use capital letters in titles. These were the goals that we were basing on for to check them off.

When we first started doing habitats for reading I only really knew what habitats were nearby Christchurch and I didn’t know exactly what they did for our planet but after a few reading sessions I got a better understanding of them. On the very first week we had to fill out a Monday must do which included a slide show which would ask us what we know about habitats and what questions you had about habitats.

Each week for week 3 4 and 5 we would have a weekly work wall to do in the work wall It would ask us to click on a link what was called kiwi kids News and we would have to search something either Habitats, national, world or sport and fill in a doc which would want us to fill in stuff what we learnt and on each article there would be questions you would answer too. Then this ran into the next week but we just had to do a quiz on kahoot and a Quizlet that our teacher made and for the last week of habitats we were just looking at the rena cargo ship.

The Rena cargo ship was a ship that was going somewhere and banged Into the coast of Tauranga over 20,000 sea birds got covered in oil which made most of them die because they had gotten covered in oil. This happened on the 7 of October 2011 and the oil ended at the beach and filled the whole beach with oil. There was an army who came to clean up the beach and get rid of the oil spilling.

After all these weeks I had gotten a way bigger understanding of what habitats are and what they do for the planet here are all of my creates that I have completed over the past few weeks I hope you enjoy looking at them and fun fact: Freshwater and lakes count as habitats, what have you learnt from this blog and from my creates?


Perfect PBL

Kia Ora and welcome to my blog post for this week. Today in week 5 term 2 we have been looking at Natural events, our Pbl goal is how do both human-induced and natural events impact New Zealand’s environment, and how can intentional design foster sustainability and innovation to address these challenges? At the start of this goal I found it very hard to understand a few of the words like induced and intentional but after we as a hub talked about the goal it had made a lot more sense. We have been looking at this since last week and It will go to the end of the term.

What we firstly did was that we had to fill out a padlet which we had to think about what do we already know about foodwebs I thought it was a web that talks about food and also has food on it. I then learnt that a food web it sea animals that are split into different categories which are either decomposer, Producer and consumer the differences between these are a decomposer are animals that break down then a producer are animals that produce there foods and lastly a consumer is something that eats other animals.

We then filled out a chart which had different sea animals and you had to decide what area it sits in which would either be those options I did this with Sovarne, Bronte and Lauren. Then we did this yesterday and we had to fill out a tropic pyramid that is a graphical representation of the energy found within the trophic levels of an ecosystem we had to fill it out and it had different images that you would have to copy and put it onto the next slide.

Here are both of my tasks down below. What do you know about tropic pyramid?

Mathematical Maths

Kia Ora and welcome to my math blog for this week. Today in week 4 term 1 we have been looking at fractions .The goals that we were looking at are combine and recombine different units of fractions to make one whole, Identify and make equivalent fractions, Recognise and use improper fractions to represent more than one whole, Record fractions on a number-line / Find and associate fractions with a unique point on a number line.

Recognise there are an infinite number of fractions between any two whole numbers or any two fractions on a number line, Divide a whole number into equal parts/into fractions, Compare and order fractions, Change fractions to equivalent fractions, Solve problems involving adding or subtracting fractions, Multiply a mixed number by a whole number, Multiply a fraction by a whole number / multiply a fraction by a fraction and lastly Divide a mixed number by a fraction / divide a fraction by a fraction.

In one of our workshops that we had on Monday it was talking about multiplying fractions, the fractions question we were looking at was 3/4 x 1/2 I worked with Sanne and for the very start of something new I struggled at it until our math teacher showed us how to make the fraction questions easier to multiply. So what the teacher firstly did was she drawed out a square to look like a chocolate bar and split it into a half downwards and then the next thing she did was split it into quarters side ways.

The reason why she split it both ways because other fraction that you have you have to make sure there include in the chocolate bar so if we look at the 1/2 you would have to make sure you have that included either way you could choose sideways or downwards and because you had added in the 1/2 you need to make sure you include the 3/4 as well. There is a little cheat code that can help you a lot if you are struggling quite bad at multiplying fractions, what you would do with the fractions in multiply the numerators and denominators separately by 1×3 = 4 as these are the numerators and now you would multiply the denominators 2×4 = 8 and this can work for any fractions.

After this session in our next independent time my teacher got me to make a poster about how you can multiply fractions for beginners here it is down below with a link included if you want to open it up. Is there anything I could work on and does this make sense?


Mathematical Math

Kia Ora and welcome to my math blog for this week. Today in week 3 term 1 we have been looking at fractions .The goal for today was to “Identify and make equivalent fractions and Compare and order fractions”.

The questions that we were looking at were based on chocolate bars, we had options between doing mild medium and spicy which means mild being the least hard medium being a little bit of a challenge and spicy being the hardest I choose to do medium which the questions were asking us to find the common denominator for each of the fractions. The fraction for the questions were 4/5, 2/6 , 7/10 ,2/3 and lastly 3/4. As one of our teachers is doing something with people she told us to get into a group of 3 to answer the fractions by making them common denominator which I choose to do this with Zoe.

What we had to do was to make a video by either using google drawing or slides and me and Zoe choose to do a Google drawing with all the information to finding common denominators for each of the fractions which we choose to use screen cast for the recording. Here is our video down below.

What have you learnt from this?

Ridiculous Reading

Kia Ora and welcome to my blog post for this week. This week in Term 1 week 11 reading we have been looking at climate crisis. The goals for this week are identify at least one important idea and justify why it is important, identify several ideas, discuss the author’s stance or purpose, and understand relationships in the text. What we firstly had to do was fill in a Monday must do it’s slide show which you have multiple questions that you have to answer these were write one or two sentences about what you think current events is. The answer that I put down was Currents events are the things that are happening in our world right now, the word current means something that is currently happening and events mean something that you are able to go to. An example would be the wars in Gaza.

Writers of current event articles inform, persuade, entertain, educate, advocate etc. Use this dictionary to find the meaning of one of the above words: Inform: To tell something about something or To give someone information about Something. Use Word Hippo to find synonyms for the word  the word you have chosen. Synonyms are words that have the same meaning. Write the synonyms here: Tell, Advise, Brief, Enlighten, Apprise, Notify, Instruct, Update, Clear and Relate.  Aotearoa may be older than first thought, Schools asking the government for school lunches, NZ bound plane drops suddenly and Mice eating Antarctic birds. 

After we filled this in we had to read a text called Global protest to end fossils fuels after the text we had to open a site that was called kiwi Keds news and we had to use the search button on this to find stories for national, world and sport with filling in a document with the tasks that we had to do on this it had around 5 tasks that you had to fill in this took me a while to fill completely in but I enjoyed it very much I read the article Black ferns beat England in cricket. We then were looking at another slideshow that our reading teacher  had made which also had tasks to fill in that go with the text here are all the tasks that I did down below and what have you learnt from my blog post? Bye.

Beautiful Biography

Kia Ora and welcome to my biography blog post for this week. Over the past few weeks we have been looking at biographies and how to write one the people you had to choose were the ones who have made an impact on others. The person that I chose to write about was Jacinda Ardern the reason why I chose to write about her because she had to go through a lot during the COVID pandemic and not many people liked her and what she was doing and even protesting outside the Parliament beehive in Wellington. What we firstly had to do at the very start of biography writing was we had to watch a video that explained what a biography was and the difference between auto- biography and biography.

The difference between auto- biography and biography is An autobiography is the story of a person’s life or the history of an individual, written by the individual themselves (they tell/write their own story). The Greek root word auto means ‘self’. It is written in first person point of view and uses pronouns such as ‘I’, ‘me’ and ‘my’. A biography talks about A biography is simply an account or detailed description about the life of a person, written by someone else who is not the subject.

The Greek root word bio means ‘life’ and graph means ‘to write’. It might include basic details about key stages of their life such as childhood, education, career, relationships, family, and death, told mostly in chronological order. But it also includes details about the subject’s experience of these events including their thoughts or feelings. It is written in third person point of view and uses pronouns such as ‘he’, ‘she’, ’they’, ‘them’ etc.

We had to copy a planning doc that has everything that you have to include in the biography. The things that should be involved in a biography are Birthplace, Childhood, Career, Romance, Triumphs or Tragedies, Social achievements, Words of wisdom and Impact. I also added in some quotes of Jacinda Ardern. After I completed this we had to put this into a brand new document and copy and paste all our findings of our impact person. I enjoyed learning about Jacinda because the things that I found out were things that I actually had absolutely no idea that she enjoyed, Like I didn’t know that she enjoys listening to music in her free time.

Here is my planning doc and my Biography down below. If you had to choose a person to write about that had made an impact who would It be and why?