Religious RE

Kia Ora and welcome to my blog post for this week. Today in week 7 term 2 Re we have been looking at Laudato si, The goals we were looking at were Grow in understanding of how God’s love is present in our world and in us on our spiritual journey, Explore how God can be present in the beauty and complexity of Creation, God created the world and entrusted it to us as a gift. Now we have the responsibility to care for and protect it and all people, who are part of creation. Protecting human dignity is strongly linked to care for creation and Recognise that we can experience the presence of God in unexpected places, people and things and reflect on this in our own lives.

What is Laudato si you may ask? Laudato Si’ is a letter written by Pope Francis, the leader of the Catholic Church. In this letter, he talks about how important it is for everyone to take care of our planet, Earth, which he calls “our common home. He wants us to know that Earth is like our home, and we all need to look after it. Just like we keep our homes clean and safe, we need to do the same for our planet and that Everything is Connected: Everything in nature is connected. Plants, animals, people, water, and air all work together to keep our planet healthy. 

What we firstly had to do was in groups discuss what we think Laudato si is and what we already know about it and after that we watched a video that explains it all for us in a good way. We also had to think about what encyclical means and after us thinking we found out that An encyclical is a formal letter or teaching document issued by the Pope to the bishops of the Roman Catholic Church. It typically addresses important issues of doctrine, morals, or social justice and provides guidance and instruction for the Church and its members. Laudato si is like climate change and it talks about our earth.

The Laudato si is an example because the Laudato Si is a letter from Pope Francis to everyone on the planet urging all of us to protect the earth; our common home. The earth is God’s gift to us, full of beauty and wonder, where the fruits of the earth belong to everyone, We also had to watch another video that talks about how are Earth is getting destroyed because of our human actions which can include not taking our share of things, wasting water, thinking that our earth has unlimited items, and burning bad fossil fuels like coal oil and gas. 

The create options we got to choose from was to make a wordsearch and add at least 15 words that go with laudato si, make a Google drawing which tells us humans ways to help with the planet and to use google drawing and redesign our school and add in healthy ways to help our earth.

What do you know about Laudato si?

Here are my creations below –>



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