Mathematical Maths

Kia Ora and welcome to my blog post for this week. Today in week 6 term 2 we have been looking at Statistics the past few weeks of the term we were focusing on fractions as you may be able to see in my past blogs and every 5 weeks of the school term we change the topic. Our goals that we are doing are complete a statistical investigation by collecting, displaying and discussing data, determine appropriate variables and data collection methods, choose an appropriate data display, analyse a data sample, collect and display time- series data and evaluate findings and form conclusions. 

On the very first workshop of the week which was Wednesday we had gotten a new math teacher which was different to what we had in the past 5 weeks. The task was Ainsley thinks that most 12-year-olds have their own cell phone and use Snapchat and Facebook. Can you make predictions about the age of students with cell phones and using Snapchat and Facebook? Use the data cards to investigate and sort these into sets, Use a table of data to show your results, Now use a graph to record your results to present to the class, Can you represent this in different ways? What statements can you make cell phone use and Snapchat and Facebook for students of different ages?

We had to do this task in buddies and I choose to work with Lauren, Pippa and Freya and what we firstly had to do was we had to look at some cards which would include stuff like Snapchat, Facebook, Age, Phones,How much they read for and how much they watched tv for. We had to look at all the information on them and fill it out in a tally graph and then put it on a graph. This task lead into Thursday which was our independent day and when had to use the cards and choose a age group to look at and I choose to look at 13 year olds and how many have a phone and who doesn’t. I then found out that 8 13 year olds have a phone and 1 13 year old doesn’t I then used a spreadsheet on my chromebook and added all the information on it.

I made a Collum Graph and but this data on a graph here it is down below and what do you know about statistics?

2 thoughts on “Mathematical Maths

  1. Hi Francesca, that is awesome work with statistics this week! It sounds like you learned a lot about collecting data, organising it in tables and graphs and making conclusions. Using a spreadsheet to analyse the phone data for 13-year-olds is a great example! Statistics can be a wonderful tool to understand the world around us, it was one of my favourite maths subjects at school and I know that there are lots of different graphs you can use to represent the data. Do you have any questions about what you learned or ideas for another data investigation?

    1. Hi Miss Agnew,
      Thank you for the comment, what I would like to investigate would be how many kids aged 10-13 spend playing outside and how many kids that age play sport on a daily basis.

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